Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nicks weekly update

so once again i am not use to writing a blog about my life and posting it, so i am not going to bore you with a huge paper of thing i think were exciting...just the highlights, i promise.

So the biggest thing that happened this week is the "Love Buckets" This epic adventure, which started in the dome of one Justin Simmons, is with out a doubt one of the greatest displays of Ministry that I have seen... maybe i over exaggerate a little bit, but i digress. It was a truly great time of ministry. The Love Chapel Hill crew and I got about 1500 flowers, put them in to buckets ( hence the Love Buckets in case anyone was confused about the name) and drop them off in part of the city, and left. We got to hand out a few flowers, which was awesome by the way, but the leaving them there was one of the sweetest things about this event. It wasn't us trying to empress anyone or trying to get the churches name recognized, it was simply a group of people want to show the Love they had received to the people who needed it, and what better way than a flower (obviously there are allot of ways but i really liked this one :)) anyway we got some sweet stories out of it and some epic pictures which i have on my facebook page, but i know that this event went further than we realized, and i pray that everyone who picked up a flower that day would begin to be stured by the spirit, because God is going to fall on Chapel Hill, North Carolina in a mighty way very soon!! man good times!!

other than that the week was filled with super awesome times on franklin street, but i wont go in to all that, just keep me in your prayers. I love you guys, thanks for all your prayers!! be blessed and ill hit you up again soon

P.s. Excusse any misspellings of any sort...hooked on phonics didn't really work for me :)

1 comment:

  1. Great job Nick. So glad you are a part of this and creatively expressing the Love of Christ to Chapel Hill! Give them buckets upon buckets of Love!
