Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The end to a Glorious begining

I have been truly amazed by the greatness of God and all his splendor!! his Love is so vast and so far beyond me or anything I could ever express or even experiences in this life!!!...but My Life will be spent trying to experience this great love as much as i can!! God is Love! Not just apart of Love or a form of it, but he is love. without God in the picture there would be no Love. When a father looks at his daughter with a love he only knows, God is there. When someone helps a homeless person, simply by buying them some water, God is there. When you are in your room and everything seems to be going wrong, but there is this calm that sets itself over you, God is there. Gods Love is not just found in Agape, but in every pure form of Love you find God!
I have experienced soo much this summer. from homeless ministry to painting, God has used this summer to show me soo much about the man he wants me to be, and has begun crafting me to be that man. i can see the changes that God has made in my life and in my heart. He has shown me the difference from living for self and living for others. Truly live a life that is lived, first to God, and then to others.

God has done soo much this summer i could wright forever and still have a story to tell, but the greatest thing God has done for me in this summer is expressed in one word, Freshness. Everything has been made a new!! Things i grew up hearing and experiencing now have this great freshness to it. i cant realy explain why or how, but i find myself wanting and longing for the things of God with a new zeal and a new passion in my heart. One like i have never expeienced before in my life, and i am in awe. God is leading me to something, and honestly i have no idea what it is or if its going to hard to get to or not, but one thing i do know. My God is the great author of life and everything in it, my God crafted the mountains and the seas, and my God is my father and i trust him with all that i am.
On a side note, i meet this pretty awesome girl while i have been here. I am seeking out God on this whole thing, but im pretty excited that i get to be apart of her life, thats all.

but all that aside i realize that as awesome as this summer has been, if i leave this place and not apply what God has shown me to wherever I go, it was all for not. i now have an obligation as Paul did, to show this great Love to all that meet! How great is our God!! the time is coming, and has come, when i start giving myself more than tha which i am receiving.

Thank you matt, justin, and everyone that has been a great blessing to me this summer!! and though i am leaving you will always be in my prayers and in my heart!! i Love you guys and pray that the Lord would give you a double portion of whatever blessing he is giving me.